Here’s a list of open source mods you can reference. If you would like to get to the mods Repository you can click on the mods name to go to it.

Mod Name Author Description
Wetstone molenzwiebel Wetstone is a plugin API for creating mods for V Rising. If you are a mod developer, using Wetstone allows you to take advantage of tools like hot reloading, easy hooks and extensions, and user-friendly configuration.
RPGMods Kaltharos Server only mod for RPG system which also include ChatCommands with bug fixes.
Lead A Horse To Water deca A V-Rising mod that lets your horses drink water from wells.
VMods WhiteFang5 VMods is a selection of Mods for V-Rising made using a common/shared codebase that all follow the same coding principals and in-game usage.
AutoCloseDoors Kaltharos Server only mod for Auto Close Doors.
Random Encounters Adain This server side mod spawns a random NPC near a random online player at random intervals, and the player wins a random item reward if the NPC is killed within the given time limit.
AdminSpy KinetsuDEV Server side only mod to notify users about admin actions.
HuntControl denoflionsx V Rising mod that makes missions progress when the game is closed
Dueller Paps Server only mod for Duel focused server.
NetEvents AviiNL The end goal of this project is to wrap every network event in an easy to use C# Event API.
SkanksAIO Paps AIO mod by Skanks.
QuickStash Elmegaard A mod that uses Compulsively Count on all nearby stashes with 1 click.
VampireCommandFramework deca Framework for VRising mods to Easily build chat commands.
VRising Game Data Adain A work in progress game data framework and general utilities for V Rising mods.
Track Crafts armanckeser A client side plugin which adds the ability to pin multiple crafting recipes.
ChatCommands NopeyBoi Server side mod with various chat commands.
Sleeping-Speeds-Time Blargerist A V Rising server mod that makes time pass faster while sleeping in a coffin.
V Rising Troublemaker AviiNL Rcon commands for Troublemaker Twitch extension.
QuickBrazier harminded Auto turn on/off Braziers based on time of day.
VBloodKills syllabicat Sends system message when killing VBlood bosses.
Modern Camera v-rising Makes the camera more like an action MMO camera.
PPRising vildaberper A collection of QoL-features.
V Rising Server Manager Lacyway Tool to install, update and run a V Rising Server on Windows OS. Also includes a game and server settings editor.
Guardian 2 jokeruarwentto A simple whitelist system to let you choose who can connect on your server.
PopupTotals matt-harp A mod to show the total amount of an item in your inventory while collecting resources.
HideInterface jokeruarwentto Toggle the game interface with F11 key, now with a keybinding through in-game settings to set your own custom key!
RemoveVignette iZastic Removes Vignette.
AutoReady iZastic Automatically skips the ready screen when loaded.
ChatLineColorMod Trodi A client mod that adds channel name and changes the color of the chat input text as the color of the channel where you are typing. It also replaces text strings with emojis.
Notify Trodi A mod that notifies when a user connects or disconnects from the server, new user connect from the server, when a player kills a VBlood boss, Message of the day system and auto announce system that runs every certain interval.
ServerLaunchFix MythicManiac Enable mods for single player and host & play.
HideUiMod Trodi Client side mod to hide the game UI.
CasualSiege Kaltharos A server side mod to protect offline players from being sieged.
Shut The Fort Up deca Opens or closes all your doors and/or windows with a single command.
BloodyShop Trodi Mod to create a store in V Rising (with optional client UI).
WordBanisher Paps Banish Up to Ten Words.