Server Mods

Mod Name Description Author
KindredLogistics Inventory management mod. Stashing, craftpulling, finding chests, etc. Kindred
KindredSchematics Commands to build, create, save and load schematics odjit
KindredCommands Commands to expand Administration efforts and provide information odjit
AutoBrazier Automatically turn braziers on/off with day/night cycle skytech6
XPRising Server mod that exchanges item gear level for an XP levelling system XPRising
Bloodcraft Leveling, expertise, legacies, professions, familiars, classes, quests! zfolmt
Gator_Bounty Bounty System for VRising Gator
KindredPortals Expand your V Rising fast travel options. Also Map Icons odjit
BloodyBoss BloodyBoss is a mod for V Rising that allows you to create VBlood world bosses with random rewards that can be set for each of the world bosses. Trodi
Sanguis Reward players for being online with optional daily login bonus! zfolmt
BloodyEncounters A server side mod for V Rising which spawns a random NPC near a random online player at random intervals, and the player wins a random item reward if the NPC is killed within the given time limit. Trodi
BloodyWallet This framework is designed to add a virtual currency to VRising. This opens up a world of possibilities for other mods to integrate with it and serve as a bridge for other mods to use this functionality. Trodi
Protector Whitelist based access control for V Rising GoDMod
RaidGuard Highly discourages teaming during active castle raids with optional alliance features. zfolmt
BloodyRewards Rewards System for VRising. Trodi
JewelCreator Server side only mod that allows you to create your own jewels with your chosen skill and skill modifier. Rianaid
ShardExtraLife Server side only mod to change shards params like is: durability, time to break, destroy when broken and drop amount. Rianaid
CoffinSleep A VRising mod that speeds up time while you sleep in your coffin. Caioreix
BloodyShop Mod to create a store in VRising. Trodi
BloodyMailBox The BloodyMailBox mod for VRising allows users to receive messages and receive notifications of new messages even when they are offline. Trodi
BloodyPoint Mod so that personal or global waypoints can be created. Trodi
BloodyMerchant BloodyMerchant is a mod designed for V Rising, offering the capability to create custom in-game merchants, adding a layer of dynamic and immersive gameplay. Trodi
Notify A mod that notifies when a user connects or disconnects from the server, new user connect from the server, when a player kills a VBlood boss, Message of the day system and auto announce system that runs every certain interval. Trodi
AutoCloseDoors Mod to automatically close doors after a few seconds. Midon
StarterKit Server side only mod that allows you to issue different starter kits to new vampires. Rianaid
KindredArenas Sets PvP protection buff in designated zones. odjit
MuteChatPlayer Server side only mod which allows server admins to prohibit a specific player from sending messages to the chat. Rianaid
BetterMissions An VRising mod to do a better control of the servant missions. Caioreix
BloodRefill A server-side only mod that allows players to refill their blood pool in different ways. Skies
SpiderKiller Mod that kills spiders in a range around you and your friends. So you don't have to fight those pesky things! Skies

Client Mods

Mod Name Description Author
ClientUI ClientUI to display progress bars for XP mods XPRising
Eclipse Client companion mod for Bloodcraft! zfolmt
RemoveVersionWatermark Removes version watermark NodusCursorius


Mod Name Description Author
CrimsonSQL Framework for Interfacing MySQL skytech6
XPShared Mod to enable communication between XPRising and XPRising.ClientUI XPRising
BloodyCore Bloody.Core a help library for mod development. It must be installed if any mod uses it. Trodi
Bloodstone Plugin framework and general utilities for V Rising mods. deca
VampireCommandFramework Command framework for developers to easily create universal commands for their plugins. deca