
We have a mod template to make getting started easy. Adding dependencies will require that anyone using your mod also install those dependencies. VampireCommandFramework is recommended for “public” mods as a common command framework.


dotnet new --install VRising.ModTemplate

Example usage

dotnet new vrisingmod -n NameOfYourMod --use-vcf --use-bloodstone --description "Description of your mod"

This will get you started with a mod named NameOfYourMod, using Bloodstone and VampireCommandFramework that has a sample server command to uncomment.

Optional Dependencies (add using the –use tag)

Template Plus

Alternatively, there is also an extended (and opinionated) template available providing optional sample code, a common project structure, multiple framework options, and more.


dotnet new --install VRising.ModTemplatePlus

Example usage

dotnet new vrisingmodplus -n NameOfYourMod -h -desc "Description of your mod"

  • -h A simple example mod pre-built and ready to build with how-to tips on how to get started making mods
  • -desc A description of your mod.
